Lattice Builder Manual
Software Package for Constructing Rank-1 Lattices
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NLatBuilderLattice Builder namespace
 NFunctorVarious functors
 NGenSeqSequences of generator values
 NIndexedIteratorImmutable indexed iterators
 NKernelKernels for coordinate-uniform figures of merit
 NLatSeqSequences of Lattices
 NMeritCombinerCombiner functors for merit values
 NMeritSeqSequences of merit values
 NNormNormalizations and bounds
 NParserString parsing facilities for Lattice Builder objects
 NProjDepMeritProjection-dependent figures of merit
 NTaskStandard tasks that can be performed by Lattice Builder
 NTextStreamOverloaded stream operators
 NTraversalTraversal types for indexable sequences
 NVectorizeHelpers to vectorize simple operations
 CAccumulatorAccumulator template class
 CBasicMeritFilterAbstract base class for filters
 CBasicMeritFilterListContainer class for merit filters
 CBasicSizeParamAbstract CRTP base class for lattice size parameter
 CBasicStorageBase class for storage types
 CBridgeIteratorCachedBridge iterator with cached value
 CBridgeIteratorCachedPtrBridge iterator with cached value accessible through a pointer
 CBridgeIteratorDynamicBridge iterator with dynamically computed value
 CBridgeSeqBridge CRTP class for sequence based on another type of sequence, with elements computed by the derived class
 CCachedSeqCached sequence wrapper
 CCartesianProductIterator incrementing policy that traverses unidimensional sequences sequentially
 CClonePtrCopyable alternative to std::unique_ptr<> for cloneable objects
 CCombinedWeightsCombined weights
 CCompressTraitsCompression types for vectors and matrices
 CCompressTraits< Compress::NONE >No compression
 CCompressTraits< Compress::SYMMETRIC >Symmetric compression
 CCoordUniformFigureOfMeritBase base class for coordinate-uniform figures of merit
 CDigitsVector of digits representing a number in an arbitrary base
 CFigureOfMeritAbstract base class for figures of merit
 CIndexMapPermutation of vector indices
 CLatDefDefinition of a rank-1 lattice
 CLatticeRejectedExceptionException raised by filters upon rejection of a candidate lattice rule
 CLFSR113LFSR113 pseudo-random generator by L'Ecuyer
 CLFSR258LFSR258 pseudo-random generator by L'Ecuyer
 CMeritFilterGeneric filter wrapper for merit values
 CMeritFilterListList of filters for merit values
 CMeritFilterListPolicyPolicy class template for MeritFilterList
 CMeritFilterListPolicy< LatType::EMBEDDED >Specialization of MeritFilterListPolicy for embedded lattices
 CMeritFilterListPolicy< LatType::ORDINARY >Specialization of MeritFilterListPolicy for ordinary lattices
 CMeritFilterTraitsTraits class template for filters of merit values
 CMeritFilterTraits< LatType::EMBEDDED >
 CMeritFilterTraits< LatType::ORDINARY >
 CSeqCombinerMultidimensional sequence composed of unidimensional sequences
 CSizeParamLattice size parameter
 CSizeParam< LatType::EMBEDDED >Lattice size type for embedded lattices
 CSizeParam< LatType::ORDINARY >Ordinary lattice size parameter
 CStorageStorage policy
 CStorage< LatType::EMBEDDED, COMPRESS >Vector permutation for embedded lattices
 CStorage< LatType::ORDINARY, COMPRESS >Storage class for flat vectors
 CStorageTraitsStorage traits
 CStorageTraits< Storage< LatType::EMBEDDED, COMPRESS > >
 CStorageTraits< Storage< LatType::ORDINARY, COMPRESS > >
 CTypeInfoFramework to specify a human-readable name for data types
 CTypeInfo< boost::accumulators::tag::max >
 CTypeInfo< boost::accumulators::tag::sum >
 CWeightedFigureOfMeritWeighted figure of merit
 CWeightedFigureOfMeritEvaluatorEvaluator for WeightedFigureOfMerit
 CZipIterator incrementing policy that traverses unidimensional sequences in parallel
 NLatCommonThis module contains global constants used in LatMRG{} and Lattice Builder
 NCoordinateSetsSequences of coordinate sets
 CBaseThis class represents a basis for a lattice
 CCoordinatesSet of coordinates
 CIntLatticeThis class offers tools to manipulate lattice bases
 CKorobovLatticeThis class implements lattice bases built from a Korobov lattice rule
 CNormaBestLatThis class implements the best theoretical bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice, based on the densest sphere packing in lattices
 CNormaLaminatedThis class implements theoretical bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice, based on the densest sphere packing in laminated lattices
 CNormalizerClasses which inherit from this base class are used in implementing bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice [3]
 CNormaMinkL1This class implements theoretical bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice, based on the densest sphere packing in space
 CNormaMinkowskiThis class implements {Minkowski\/}'s theoretical bounds on the length of the shortest nonzero vector in a lattice
 CNormaRogersThis class implements the Rogers bounds on the density of sphere packing
 COrderDependentWeightsOrder-dependent weights
 CPODWeightsProduct and order-dependent (POD) weights
 CProductWeightsProduct weights
 CProjectionDependentWeightsProjection-dependent weights
 CRandomThis class generates random numbers (in fact pseudo-random numbers)
 CReducerFor a given lattice, this class implements methods to reduce its basis in the sense of Minkowski and to find the shortest non-zero vector of the lattice using pre-reductions and a branch-and-bound (BB) algorithm [11]
 CUniformWeightsThis class is used to implement the same weight for all projections
 CWeightsAbstract weights class
 CfftwWrapper for a subset of FFTW: FFT's for real functions in one dimension
 CallocatorSTL allocator replacement using FFTW's memory allocation functions
 Cc_apiSpecialization of c_api for double precision