Lattice Builder Manual
Software Package for Constructing Rank-1 Lattices
LatBuilder::LatSeq::Korobov< LAT, GENSEQ > Class Template Reference

Sequence of Korobov lattices. More...

#include <Korobov.h>

Inherits LatBuilder::LatSeq::Combiner< LAT, GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, Zip >.

Public Member Functions

 Korobov (const SizeParam< LAT > &sizeParam, const GENSEQ &genSeq, Dimension latDimension)
 Constructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LatBuilder::LatSeq::Combiner< LAT, GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, Zip >
 Combiner (SizeParam< LAT > sizeParam, std::vector< GenSeq > genSeqs)
 Constructor. More...
const SizeParam< LAT > & sizeParam () const
 Returns the size parameter of the lattices in the sequence.
Dimension latDimension () const
 Returns the dimension of the lattices.
value_type element (const typename Base::const_iterator &it) const
 Computes and returns the output value.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LatBuilder::BridgeSeq< Combiner< LAT, GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, Zip >, SeqCombiner< GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, Zip >, LatDef< LAT >, BridgeIteratorCached >
 BridgeSeq (Base base=Base())
 Constructor. More...
Basebase ()
 Returns the base sequence.
const Basebase () const
void setBase (Base b)
 Changes the base sequence to b.
const_iterator begin () const
 Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the sequence.
const_iterator end () const
 Returns an iterator pointing past the last element in the sequence.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from LatBuilder::LatSeq::Combiner< LAT, GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, Zip >
typedef self_type::Base Base
typedef self_type::value_type value_type
typedef self_type::size_type size_type
typedef GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ > GenSeq
- Public Types inherited from LatBuilder::BridgeSeq< Combiner< LAT, GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, Zip >, SeqCombiner< GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, Zip >, LatDef< LAT >, BridgeIteratorCached >
typedef BridgeSeq< Combiner< LAT, GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, Zip >, SeqCombiner< GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, Zip >, LatDef< LAT >, BridgeIteratorCachedBridgeSeq_
typedef SeqCombiner< GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, ZipBase
typedef LatDef< LAT > value_type
typedef Base::size_type size_type
typedef BridgeIteratorCached< Combiner< LAT, GenSeq::PowerSeq< GENSEQ >, Zip > > const_iterator

Detailed Description

template<LatType LAT, class GENSEQ>
class LatBuilder::LatSeq::Korobov< LAT, GENSEQ >

Sequence of Korobov lattices.

Template Parameters
LATType of lattice.
GENSEQType of sequence of sequences of generator values.
See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<LatType LAT, class GENSEQ>
LatBuilder::LatSeq::Korobov< LAT, GENSEQ >::Korobov ( const SizeParam< LAT > &  sizeParam,
const GENSEQ &  genSeq,
Dimension  latDimension 


sizeParamLattice size parameter.
genSeqSequence of sequences of generator values.
latDimensionDimension of the lattices in the sequence.

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