V. 2.6.2.
Class DataField

  extended by

public class DataField
extends Object

This class represents a data field from a file read by an instance of a class implementing DataReader.

Constructor Summary
DataField(String label, Object data)
DataField(String label, Object data, int effectiveLength)
Method Summary
 double asDouble()
          Returns the value as double or 0 if it is not of type double See isDouble.
 double[] asDoubleArray()
          Returns the value as one-dimensional double array or null if it is not of type double[].
 double[][] asDoubleArray2D()
          Returns the value as two-dimensional double array or null if it is not of type double[][].
 float asFloat()
          Returns the value as float or 0 if it is not of type float See isFloat.
 float[] asFloatArray()
          Returns the value as one-dimensional float array or null if it is not of type float[].
 float[][] asFloatArray2D()
          Returns the value as two-dimensional float array or null if it is not of type float[][].
 int asInt()
          Returns the value as int or 0 if it is not of type int See isInt.
 int[] asIntArray()
          Returns the value as one-dimensional int array or null if it is not of type int[].
 int[][] asIntArray2D()
          Returns the value as two-dimensional int array or null if it is not of type int[][].
 Object asObject()
          Returns the value of the field as an Object.
 String asString()
          Returns the value as String, or null if it is not of type String.
 String[] asStringArray()
          Returns the value as one-dimensional String array or null if it is not of type String[].
 String[][] asStringArray2D()
          Returns the value as two-dimensional String array or null if it is not of type String[][].
 int getArrayLength()
          Returns the length of the array contained by the field, or -1 if it is not an array.
 String getLabel()
          Returns the field label (or name).
 Class getType()
          Returns the type of the field.
 boolean isArray()
          Returns true if the field contains an array.
 boolean isArray2D()
          Returns true if the field contains a two-dimensional array.
 boolean isAtomic()
          Returns true if the field value is atomic data.
 boolean isDouble()
          Returns true if the field value is an atomic double.
 boolean isFloat()
          Returns true if the field value is an atomic float.
 boolean isInt()
          Returns true if the field value is an atomic int.
 boolean isString()
          Returns true if the field value is an atomic String.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DataField(String label,
                 Object data)
Constructor. Creates a field named label of value data.

label - name of the field
data - value of the field


public DataField(String label,
                 Object data,
                 int effectiveLength)
Constructor. Creates a field named label of value data. effectiveLength is the number of significant elements contained in data if it is an array.

label - name of the field
data - value of the field
effectiveLength - number of significant elements contained in data
Method Detail


public String getLabel()
Returns the field label (or name).


public Class getType()
Returns the type of the field.


public boolean isAtomic()
Returns true if the field value is atomic data.


public boolean isArray()
Returns true if the field contains an array.


public boolean isArray2D()
Returns true if the field contains a two-dimensional array.


public int getArrayLength()
Returns the length of the array contained by the field, or -1 if it is not an array.


public boolean isString()
Returns true if the field value is an atomic String.


public boolean isInt()
Returns true if the field value is an atomic int.


public boolean isFloat()
Returns true if the field value is an atomic float.


public boolean isDouble()
Returns true if the field value is an atomic double.


public String asString()
Returns the value as String, or null if it is not of type String. See isString.


public int asInt()
Returns the value as int or 0 if it is not of type int See isInt.


public float asFloat()
Returns the value as float or 0 if it is not of type float See isFloat.


public double asDouble()
Returns the value as double or 0 if it is not of type double See isDouble.


public String[] asStringArray()
Returns the value as one-dimensional String array or null if it is not of type String[].


public int[] asIntArray()
Returns the value as one-dimensional int array or null if it is not of type int[].


public float[] asFloatArray()
Returns the value as one-dimensional float array or null if it is not of type float[].


public double[] asDoubleArray()
Returns the value as one-dimensional double array or null if it is not of type double[].


public String[][] asStringArray2D()
Returns the value as two-dimensional String array or null if it is not of type String[][].


public int[][] asIntArray2D()
Returns the value as two-dimensional int array or null if it is not of type int[][].


public float[][] asFloatArray2D()
Returns the value as two-dimensional float array or null if it is not of type float[][].


public double[][] asDoubleArray2D()
Returns the value as two-dimensional double array or null if it is not of type double[][].


public Object asObject()
Returns the value of the field as an Object.

V. 2.6.2.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.