V. 2.6.2.

Class OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcessEuler

  extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.stochprocess.StochasticProcess
      extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.stochprocess.OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess
          extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.stochprocess.OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcessEuler

public class OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcessEuler
extends OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess

. This class represents an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as in OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess, but the process is generated using the simple Euler scheme

X(tj) - X(tj-1) = α(b - X(tj-1))(tj - tj-1) + σ(t_j - t_j-1)1/2 Zj

where ZjN(0, 1). This is a good approximation only for small time intervals tj - tj-1.

Constructor Summary
OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcessEuler(double x0, double alpha, double b, double sigma, NormalGen gen)
          Here, the normal variate generator is specified directly instead of specifying the stream.
OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcessEuler(double x0, double alpha, double b, double sigma, RandomStream stream)
          Constructor with parameters α = alpha, b, σ = sigma and initial value X(t0) = x0.
Method Summary
 double[] generatePath()
          Generates a sample path of the process at all observation times, which are provided in array t.
 double nextObservation()
          Generates and returns the next observation at time tj+1 = nextTime.
 double nextObservation(double nextTime)
          Generates and returns the next observation at time tj+1 = nextTime, using the previous observation time tj defined earlier (either by this method or by setObservationTimes), as well as the value of the previous observation X(tj).
 double nextObservation(double x, double dt)
          Generates and returns an observation of the process in dt time units, assuming that the process has value x at the current time.
Methods inherited from class umontreal.iro.lecuyer.stochprocess.OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess
generatePath, getAlpha, getB, getGen, getSigma, getStream, setParams, setStream
Methods inherited from class umontreal.iro.lecuyer.stochprocess.StochasticProcess
getArrayMappingCounterToIndex, getCurrentObservation, getCurrentObservationIndex, getNbObservationTimes, getObservation, getObservationTimes, getPath, getSubpath, getX0, hasNextObservation, resetStartProcess, setObservationTimes, setObservationTimes, setX0
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcessEuler(double x0,
                                     double alpha,
                                     double b,
                                     double sigma,
                                     RandomStream stream)
Constructor with parameters α = alpha, b, σ = sigma and initial value X(t0) = x0. The normal variates Zj will be generated by inversion using the stream stream.


public OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcessEuler(double x0,
                                     double alpha,
                                     double b,
                                     double sigma,
                                     NormalGen gen)
Here, the normal variate generator is specified directly instead of specifying the stream. The normal generator gen can use another method than inversion.

Method Detail


public double nextObservation()
Generates and returns the next observation at time tj+1 = nextTime. Assumes the previous observation time is tj defined earlier (either by this method or by setObservationTimes), as well as the value of the previous observation X(tj). Warning: This method will reset the observations time tj+1 for this process to nextTime. The user must make sure that the tj+1 supplied is  >= tj.

nextObservation in class OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess


public double nextObservation(double nextTime)
Description copied from class: OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess
Generates and returns the next observation at time tj+1 = nextTime, using the previous observation time tj defined earlier (either by this method or by setObservationTimes), as well as the value of the previous observation X(tj). Warning: This method will reset the observations time tj+1 for this process to nextTime. The user must make sure that the tj+1 supplied is  >= tj.

nextObservation in class OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess


public double nextObservation(double x,
                              double dt)
Generates and returns an observation of the process in dt time units, assuming that the process has value x at the current time. Uses the process parameters specified in the constructor. Note that this method does not affect the sample path of the process stored internally (if any).

nextObservation in class OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess


public double[] generatePath()
Generates a sample path of the process at all observation times, which are provided in array t. Note that t[0] should be the observation time of x0, the initial value of the process, and t[] should have at least d + 1 elements (see the setObservationTimes method).

generatePath in class OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess

V. 2.6.2.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.