V. 2.6.2.

Class RandMrg

  extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.rng.RandMrg
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, CloneableRandomStream, RandomStream


public class RandMrg
extends Object
implements CloneableRandomStream, Serializable

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Deprecated. Constructs a new stream, initializes its seed Ig, sets Bg and Cg equal to Ig, and sets its antithetic switch to false.
RandMrg(String name)
          Deprecated. Constructs a new stream with an identifier name (can be used when printing the stream state, in error messages, etc.).
Method Summary
 void advanceState(int e, int c)
          Deprecated. Advances the state of this stream by k values, without modifying the states of other streams (as in setSeed), nor the values of Bg and Ig associated with this stream.
 RandMrg clone()
          Deprecated. Clones the current generator and return its copy.
 double[] getState()
          Deprecated. Returns the current state Cg of this stream.
 void increasedPrecis(boolean incp)
          Deprecated. After calling this method with incp = true, each call to the generator (direct or indirect) for this stream will return a uniform random number with (roughly) 53 bits of resolution instead of 32 bits, and will advance the state of the stream by 2 steps instead of 1.
 void nextArrayOfDouble(double[] u, int start, int n)
          Deprecated. Generates n (pseudo)random numbers from the uniform distribution and stores them into the array u starting at index start.
 void nextArrayOfInt(int i, int j, int[] u, int start, int n)
          Deprecated. Generates n (pseudo)random numbers from the discrete uniform distribution over the integers {i, i + 1,..., j}, using this stream and stores the result in the array u starting at index start.
 double nextDouble()
          Deprecated. Returns a (pseudo)random number from the uniform distribution over the interval (0, 1), using this stream, after advancing its state by one step.
 int nextInt(int i, int j)
          Deprecated. Returns a (pseudo)random number from the discrete uniform distribution over the integers {i, i + 1,..., j}, using this stream.
 void resetNextSubstream()
          Deprecated. Reinitializes the stream to the beginning of its next substream: Ng is computed, and Cg and Bg are set to Ng.
 void resetStartStream()
          Deprecated. Reinitializes the stream to its initial state Ig: Cg and Bg are set to Ig.
 void resetStartSubstream()
          Deprecated. Reinitializes the stream to the beginning of its current substream: Cg is set to Bg.
 void setAntithetic(boolean anti)
static void setPackageSeed(long[] seed)
          Deprecated. Sets the initial seed for the class RandMrg to the six integers in the vector seed[0..5].
 void setSeed(long[] seed)
          Deprecated. Sets the initial seed Ig of this stream to the vector seed[0..5].
 String toString()
          Deprecated. Returns a string containing the current state of this stream.
 String toStringFull()
          Deprecated. Returns a string containing the name of this stream and the values of all its internal variables.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RandMrg()
Constructs a new stream, initializes its seed Ig, sets Bg and Cg equal to Ig, and sets its antithetic switch to false. The seed Ig is equal to the initial seed of the package given by setPackageSeed if this is the first stream created, otherwise it is Z steps ahead of that of the stream most recently created in this class.


public RandMrg(String name)
Constructs a new stream with an identifier name (can be used when printing the stream state, in error messages, etc.).

name - name of the stream
Method Detail


public static void setPackageSeed(long[] seed)
Sets the initial seed for the class RandMrg to the six integers in the vector seed[0..5]. This will be the seed (initial state) of the first stream. If this method is not called, the default initial seed is (12345, 12345, 12345, 12345, 12345, 12345). If it is called, the first 3 values of the seed must all be less than m1 = 4294967087, and not all 0; and the last 3 values must all be less than m2 = 4294944443, and not all 0.

seed - array of 6 elements representing the seed


public void resetStartStream()
Description copied from interface: RandomStream
Reinitializes the stream to its initial state Ig: Cg and Bg are set to Ig.

Specified by:
resetStartStream in interface RandomStream


public void resetStartSubstream()
Description copied from interface: RandomStream
Reinitializes the stream to the beginning of its current substream: Cg is set to Bg.

Specified by:
resetStartSubstream in interface RandomStream


public void resetNextSubstream()
Description copied from interface: RandomStream
Reinitializes the stream to the beginning of its next substream: Ng is computed, and Cg and Bg are set to Ng.

Specified by:
resetNextSubstream in interface RandomStream


public void increasedPrecis(boolean incp)
After calling this method with incp = true, each call to the generator (direct or indirect) for this stream will return a uniform random number with (roughly) 53 bits of resolution instead of 32 bits, and will advance the state of the stream by 2 steps instead of 1. More precisely, if s is a stream of the class RandMrg, in the non-antithetic case, the instruction ``u = s.nextDouble()'', when the resolution has been increased, is equivalent to ``u = (s.nextDouble() + s.nextDouble()*fact) % 1.0'' where the constant fact is equal to 2-24. This also applies when calling nextDouble indirectly (e.g., via nextInt, etc.).

By default, or if this method is called again with incp = false, each call to nextDouble for this stream advances the state by 1 step and returns a number with 32 bits of resolution.

incp - true if increased precision is desired, false otherwise


public void setAntithetic(boolean anti)


public void advanceState(int e,
                         int c)
Advances the state of this stream by k values, without modifying the states of other streams (as in setSeed), nor the values of Bg and Ig associated with this stream. If e > 0, then k = 2e + c; if e < 0, then k = - 2-e + c; and if e = 0, then k = c. Note: c is allowed to take negative values. This method should be used only in very exceptional cases; proper use of the reset... methods and of the stream constructor cover most reasonable situations.

e - an exponent
c - a constant


public void setSeed(long[] seed)
Sets the initial seed Ig of this stream to the vector seed[0..5]. This vector must satisfy the same conditions as in setPackageSeed. The stream is then reset to this initial seed. The states and seeds of the other streams are not modified. As a result, after calling this method, the initial seeds of the streams are no longer spaced Z values apart. For this reason, this method should be used only in very exceptional situations; proper use of reset... and of the stream constructor is preferable.

seed - array of 6 integers representing the new seed


public double[] getState()
Returns the current state Cg of this stream. This is a vector of 6 integers represented in floating-point format. This method is convenient if we want to save the state for subsequent use.

the current state of the generator


public String toString()
Description copied from interface: RandomStream
Returns a string containing the current state of this stream.

Specified by:
toString in interface RandomStream
toString in class Object
the state of the generator formated as a string


public String toStringFull()
Returns a string containing the name of this stream and the values of all its internal variables.

the detailed state of the generator, formatted as a string


public double nextDouble()
Returns a (pseudo)random number from the uniform distribution over the interval (0, 1), using this stream, after advancing its state by one step. Normally, the returned number has 32 bits of resolution, in the sense that it is always a multiple of 1/(232 - 208). However, if the precision has been increased by calling increasedPrecis for this stream, the resolution is higher and the stream state advances by two steps.

Specified by:
nextDouble in interface RandomStream
the next generated uniform


public void nextArrayOfDouble(double[] u,
                              int start,
                              int n)
Description copied from interface: RandomStream
Generates n (pseudo)random numbers from the uniform distribution and stores them into the array u starting at index start.

Specified by:
nextArrayOfDouble in interface RandomStream
u - array that will contain the generated uniforms
start - starting index, in the array u, to write uniforms from
n - number of uniforms to generate


public int nextInt(int i,
                   int j)
Description copied from interface: RandomStream
Returns a (pseudo)random number from the discrete uniform distribution over the integers {i, i + 1,..., j}, using this stream. (Calls nextDouble once.)

Specified by:
nextInt in interface RandomStream
i - smallest integer that can be generated
j - greatest integer that can be generated
the generated integer


public void nextArrayOfInt(int i,
                           int j,
                           int[] u,
                           int start,
                           int n)
Description copied from interface: RandomStream
Generates n (pseudo)random numbers from the discrete uniform distribution over the integers {i, i + 1,..., j}, using this stream and stores the result in the array u starting at index start. (Calls nextInt n times.)

Specified by:
nextArrayOfInt in interface RandomStream
i - smallest integer that can be generated
j - greatest integer that can be generated
u - array that will contain the generated values
start - starting index, in the array u, to write integers from
n - number of values being generated


public RandMrg clone()
Clones the current generator and return its copy.

Specified by:
clone in interface CloneableRandomStream
clone in class Object
A deep copy of the current generator

V. 2.6.2.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.