V. 2.6.2.

Class NortaInitDisc

  extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.probdistmulti.norta.NortaInitDisc
Direct Known Subclasses:
NI1, NI2a, NI2b, NI3

public abstract class NortaInitDisc
extends Object

Constructor Summary
NortaInitDisc(double rX, DiscreteDistributionInt dist1, DiscreteDistributionInt dist2, double tr)
          Constructor of the abstract class.
Method Summary
abstract  double computeCorr()
          This method computes and returns the correlation ρZ.
 void computeParams()
          This method computes the following inputs of the two marginal distributions: m1 and m2, mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2, and the vectors p1, p2, z1 and z2.
 double deriv(double r)
          Computes the first derivative of function gr for each correlation.
 double integ(double r)
          Computes the function value gr for each correlation.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NortaInitDisc(double rX,
                     DiscreteDistributionInt dist1,
                     DiscreteDistributionInt dist2,
                     double tr)
Constructor of the abstract class. It can be called only by the constructors of subclasses of NortaInitDisc.

Method Detail


public abstract double computeCorr()
This method computes and returns the correlation ρZ. Every subclass of NortaInitDisc must implement it.


public void computeParams()
This method computes the following inputs of the two marginal distributions: m1 and m2, mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2, and the vectors p1, p2, z1 and z2. Every subclass of NortaInitDisc must call it.


public double integ(double r)
Computes the function value gr for each correlation.


public double deriv(double r)
Computes the first derivative of function gr for each correlation.


public String toString()
toString in class Object

V. 2.6.2.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.