V. 2.6.2.

Class YListChart

  extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.XYChart
      extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.XYLineChart
          extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.YListChart

public class YListChart
extends XYLineChart

This class extends the class XYLineChart. Each YListChart object is associated with a YListSeriesCollection data set. The data is given as one or more lists of y-coordinates. The x-coordinates are regularly-spaced multiples of the indices of the data points.

Constructor Summary
          Empty constructor.
YListChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, boolean flag, double[]... data)
          Similar to the constructor above.
YListChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[]... data)
          Initializes a new YListChart instance with set of points data.
YListChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[][] data, int numPoints)
          Initializes a new YListChart instance with set of points data.
YListChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[] data, int numPoints)
          Initializes a new YListChart instance with a set of points data.
YListChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double h, double[] data, int numPoints)
          Similar to the constructor above, but the points are (h(j + 1), data[j]).
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.XYLineChart
add, add, add, add, add, getSeriesCollection, setSeriesCollection, setTicksSynchro, toLatex, view, viewBar
Methods inherited from class umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.XYChart
disableGrid, drawVerticalLine, enableGrid, getChartMargin, getJFreeChart, getTitle, getXAxis, getYAxis, setAutoRange, setAutoRange, setAutoRange00, setChartMargin, setLatexDocFlag, setManualRange, setManualRange, setManualRange00, setprobFlag, setTitle, toLatexFile
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public YListChart()
Empty constructor.


public YListChart(String title,
                  String XLabel,
                  String YLabel,
                  double[]... data)
Initializes a new YListChart instance with set of points data. title is a title, XLabel is a short description of the x-axis, and YLabel a short description of the y-axis. The input vectors represents a set of plotting data. More specifically, each vector data represents a y-coordinates set. Position in the vector will form the x-coordinates. Indeed, the value data[j] corresponds to the point (j + 1,data[j]) (but rescaled) on the chart.

title - chart title.
XLabel - Label on x-axis.
YLabel - Label on y-axis.
data - series of point sets.


public YListChart(String title,
                  String XLabel,
                  String YLabel,
                  boolean flag,
                  double[]... data)
Similar to the constructor above. Except that if flag is true, the points are (j + 1,data[j]) for each series; but if flag is false, the points are ((j + 1)/n,data[j]), where n is the number of points of each series in data.

title - chart title.
XLabel - Label on x-axis.
YLabel - Label on y-axis.
flag - to choose the step between x-coordinates
data - series of point sets.


public YListChart(String title,
                  String XLabel,
                  String YLabel,
                  double[] data,
                  int numPoints)
Initializes a new YListChart instance with a set of points data. title is a title, XLabel is a short description of the x-axis, and YLabel a short description of the y-axis. The input vector represents a set of plotting data. Position in the vector gives the x-coordinates of the curve. The value data[j] corresponds to the point (j + 1, data[j]) (but rescaled on the chart) for the curve. However, only the first numPoints of data will be considered to plot the curve.

title - chart title.
XLabel - Label on x-axis.
YLabel - Label on y-axis.
data - point set.
numPoints - number of points to plot


public YListChart(String title,
                  String XLabel,
                  String YLabel,
                  double h,
                  double[] data,
                  int numPoints)
Similar to the constructor above, but the points are (h(j + 1), data[j]).

title - chart title.
XLabel - Label on x-axis.
YLabel - Label on y-axis.
h - step between x-coordinates
data - point set.
numPoints - number of points to plot


public YListChart(String title,
                  String XLabel,
                  String YLabel,
                  double[][] data,
                  int numPoints)
Initializes a new YListChart instance with set of points data. title is a title, XLabel is a short description of the x-axis, and YLabel a short description of the y-axis. The input vectors represents a set of plotting data. More specifically, for a n-row matrix data, each row data [i], i = 0,…, n - 1, represents a y-coordinate set for a curve. Position in the vector gives the x-coordinates of the curves. Indeed, the value data[i][j] corresponds to the point (j + 1, data[i][j]) (but rescaled on the chart) for curve i. However, only the first numPoints of each data[i] will be considered to plot each curve.

title - chart title.
XLabel - Label on x-axis.
YLabel - Label on y-axis.
data - series of point sets.
numPoints - number of points to plot

V. 2.6.2.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.