V. 2.6.2.

Class ScatterChart

  extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.XYChart
      extended by umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.ScatterChart

public class ScatterChart
extends XYChart

This class provides tools to create and manage scatter plots. Using the ScatterChart class is the simplest way to produce scatter plots only. Each ScatterChart object is linked with a XYListSeriesCollection data set.

Constructor Summary
          Initializes a new ScatterChart instance with an empty data set.
ScatterChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[][]... data)
          Initializes a new ScatterChart instance with data data.
ScatterChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[][] data, int numPoints)
          Initializes a new ScatterChart instance with sets of points data.
ScatterChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, double[][] data, int x, int y)
          Initializes a new ScatterChart instance using subsets of data.
ScatterChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, DoubleArrayList... data)
          Initializes a new ScatterChart instance with data data.
ScatterChart(String title, String XLabel, String YLabel, XYSeriesCollection data)
          Initializes a new ScatterChart instance with data data.
Method Summary
 int add(double[] x, double[] y)
          Adds a data series into the series collection.
 int add(double[] x, double[] y, int numPoints)
          Adds a data series into the series collection.
 int add(double[] x, double[] y, String name, String plotStyle)
          Adds a data series into the series collection.
 XYListSeriesCollection getSeriesCollection()
          Returns the chart's dataset.
 void setSeriesCollection(XYListSeriesCollection dataset)
          Links a new dataset to the current chart.
 void setTicksSynchro(int s)
          Synchronizes X-axis ticks to the s-th series x-values.
 String toLatex(double width, double height)
          Exports the chart to a LATEX source code using PGF/TikZ.
 JFrame view(int width, int height)
          Displays chart on the screen using Swing.
Methods inherited from class umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.XYChart
disableGrid, drawVerticalLine, enableGrid, getChartMargin, getJFreeChart, getTitle, getXAxis, getYAxis, setAutoRange, setAutoRange, setAutoRange00, setChartMargin, setLatexDocFlag, setManualRange, setManualRange, setManualRange00, setprobFlag, setTitle, toLatexFile
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ScatterChart()
Initializes a new ScatterChart instance with an empty data set.


public ScatterChart(String title,
                    String XLabel,
                    String YLabel,
                    double[][]... data)
Initializes a new ScatterChart instance with data data. title is a title, XLabel is a short description of the x-axis and YLabel a short description of the y-axis. The input parameter data represents sets of plotting data. For example, if one n-row matrix data1 is given as argument data, then the first row data1[0] represents the x-coordinate vector, and every other row data1 [i], i = 1,…, n - 1, represents the y-coordinates of a set of points. Therefore matrix data1 corresponds to n - 1 sets of points, all with the same x-coordinates. However, one may want to plot sets of points with different x-coordinates. In that case, one should give the points as matrices with two rows. For examples, if the argument data is made of three 2-row matrices data1, data2 and data3, then they represents three different sets of points, data*[0] giving the x-coordinates, and data*[1] the y-coordinates of the points.

title - chart title.
XLabel - Label on x-axis.
YLabel - Label on y-axis.
data - series of point sets.


public ScatterChart(String title,
                    String XLabel,
                    String YLabel,
                    double[][] data,
                    int numPoints)
Initializes a new ScatterChart instance with sets of points data. title is a title, XLabel is a short description of the x-axis, and YLabel a short description of the y-axis. If data is a n-row matrix, then the first row data[0] represents the x-coordinate vector, and every other row data [i], i = 1,…, n - 1, represents a y-coordinate vector. Therefore matrix data[i][ ], i = 0,…, n - 1, corresponds to n - 1 sets of points, all with the same x-coordinates. However, only the first numPoints of each set data[i] (i.e. the first numPoints columns of each row) will be plotted.

title - chart title.
XLabel - Label on x-axis.
YLabel - Label on y-axis.
data - series of point sets.
numPoints - Number of points to plot


public ScatterChart(String title,
                    String XLabel,
                    String YLabel,
                    double[][] data,
                    int x,
                    int y)
Initializes a new ScatterChart instance using subsets of data. data[x][.] will form the x-coordinates and data[y][.] will form the y-coordinates of the chart. title sets a title, XLabel is a short description of the x-axis, and YLabel is a short description of the y-axis. Warning: if the new x-axis coordinates are not monotone increasing, then they will automatically be sorted in increasing order so the points will be reordered, but the original data is not changed.

title - chart title.
XLabel - Label on x-axis.
YLabel - Label on y-axis.
data - series of point sets.
x - Index of data forming the x-coordinates
y - Index of data forming the y-coordinates


public ScatterChart(String title,
                    String XLabel,
                    String YLabel,
                    DoubleArrayList... data)
Initializes a new ScatterChart instance with data data. The input parameter data represents a set of plotting data. A DoubleArrayList from the Colt library is used to store the data. The description is similar to the above constructor with double[]... data.

title - chart title.
XLabel - Label on x-axis.
YLabel - Label on y-axis.
data - series of point sets.


public ScatterChart(String title,
                    String XLabel,
                    String YLabel,
                    XYSeriesCollection data)
Initializes a new ScatterChart instance with data data. The input parameter data represents a set of plotting data. XYSeriesCollection is a JFreeChart container class to store XY plots.

title - chart title.
XLabel - Label on x-axis.
YLabel - Label on y-axis.
data - series collection.
Method Detail


public int add(double[] x,
               double[] y,
               String name,
               String plotStyle)
Adds a data series into the series collection. Vector x represents the x-coordinates and vector y represents the y-coordinates of the series. name and plotStyle are the name and the plot style associated to the series.

x - xi coordinates.
y - yi coordinates.
name - Name of the series.
plotStyle - Plot style of the series.
Integer that represent the new point set's position in the JFreeChart XYSeriesCollection object.


public int add(double[] x,
               double[] y)
Adds a data series into the series collection. Vector x represents the x-coordinates and vector y represents the y-coordinates of the series.

x - xi coordinates.
y - yi coordinates.
Integer that represent the new point set's position in the JFreeChart XYSeriesCollection object.


public int add(double[] x,
               double[] y,
               int numPoints)
Adds a data series into the series collection. Vector x represents the x-coordinates and vector y represents the y-coordinates of the series. Only the first numPoints of x and y will be taken into account for the new series.

x - xi coordinates.
y - yi coordinates.
numPoints - Number of points to add.
Integer that represent the new point set's position in the JFreeChart XYSeriesCollection object.


public XYListSeriesCollection getSeriesCollection()
Returns the chart's dataset.

the chart's dataset.


public void setSeriesCollection(XYListSeriesCollection dataset)
Links a new dataset to the current chart.

dataset - new dataset.


public void setTicksSynchro(int s)
Synchronizes X-axis ticks to the s-th series x-values.

Specified by:
setTicksSynchro in class XYChart
s - series used to define ticks.


public JFrame view(int width,
                   int height)
Displays chart on the screen using Swing. This method creates an application containing a chart panel displaying the chart. The created frame is positioned on-screen, and displayed before it is returned. The width and the height of the chart are measured in pixels.

Specified by:
view in class XYChart
width - frame width in pixels.
height - frame height in pixels.
frame containing the chart.;


public String toLatex(double width,
                      double height)
Description copied from class: XYChart
Exports the chart to a LATEX source code using PGF/TikZ. This method constructs and returns a string that can be written to a LATEX document to render the plot. width and height represents the width and the height of the produced chart. These dimensions do not take into account the axes and labels extra space. The width and the height of the chart are measured in centimeters.

Specified by:
toLatex in class XYChart
width - Chart's width in centimeters.
height - Chart's height in centimeters.
LaTeX source code.

V. 2.6.2.

To submit a bug or ask questions, send an e-mail to Pierre L'Ecuyer.