@misc{iLEC16j, author = {P. L'Ecuyer}, title = {{SSJ}: Stochastic Simulation in {Java}, Software Library}, note = {\url{http://simul.iro.umontreal.ca/ssj/}}, institution = {DIRO, Universit\'e de Montr\'eal}, year = {2016}, OPTannote = {SSJ web site} } @InProceedings{sLEC02a, author = {P. L'Ecuyer and L. Meliani and J. Vaucher}, title = {{SSJ}: A Framework for Stochastic Simulation in {J}ava}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference}, pages = {234--242}, year = {2002}, editor = {E. Y\"ucesan and C.-H. Chen and J. L. Snowdon and J. M. Charnes}, publisher = {{IEEE} Press}, note = {Available at \url{http://simul.iro.umontreal.ca/ssj/indexe.html}}, OPTannote = {Java simulation package, early description} }