SSJ: Stochastic Simulation in Java

This page describes the old SSJ version 2.6.2.

The latest version is available here.

What is SSJ?

SSJ is a Java library for stochastic simulation, developed by Pierre L'Ecuyer and his research group, in the Département d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle (DIRO), at the Université de Montréal. It provides facilities for generating uniform and nonuniform random variates, computing different measures related to probability distributions, performing Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo simulations, collecting (elementary) statistics, and programming discrete-event simulations. The first version was written around 2000.


Downloading and Installing SSJ 2.6.2

Version: SSJ-2.6.2
Last update: September 29, 2015.

Compatible with Java SE5 (JDK 5) and later versions of Java. The latest version and installation instructions are available on the Oracle site.

The jar archive of SSJ is packaged in a ZIP file: download SSJ.
Download only the file ssj.jar.

Uncompress the archive with unzip ssj-<DATE>.zip or WinZip ssj-<DATE>.zip. Follow the instructions for Linux or Windows.

A copy of SSJ is also available on the Maven repository.

Licence and source code

SSJ was started several years ago by Pierre L'Ecuyer. Several collegues and students have participated in the development of SSJ: their names may be found in the overview of SSJ.

SSJ (see copyright here) is released under the GPL licence from GNU.

The SSJ source code is here.

SSJ citation in BibTeX format.