java.lang.Object | +--optimization.Uncmin_f77
This class contains Java translations of the UNCMIN unconstrained optimization routines. See R.B. Schnabel, J.E. Koontz, and B.E. Weiss, A Modular System of Algorithms for Unconstrained Minimization, Report CU-CS-240-82, Comp. Sci. Dept., University of Colorado at Boulder, 1982.
IMPORTANT: The "_f77" suffixes indicate that these routines use FORTRAN style indexing. For example, you will see
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)rather than
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)To use the "_f77" routines you will have to declare your vectors and matrices to be one element larger (e.g., v[101] rather than v[100], and a[101][101] rather than a[100][100]), and you will have to fill elements 1 through n rather than elements 0 through n - 1. Versions of these programs that use C/Java style indexing will eventually be available. They will end with the suffix "_j".
This class was translated by a statistician from a FORTRAN version of UNCMIN. It is NOT an official translation. It wastes memory by failing to use the first elements of vectors. When public domain Java optimization routines become available from the people who produced UNCMIN, then THE CODE PRODUCED BY THE NUMERICAL ANALYSTS SHOULD BE USED.
Meanwhile, if you have suggestions for improving this code, please contact Steve Verrill at steve@ws13.fpl.fs.fed.us.
Constructor Summary | |
Method Summary | |
static void |
bakslv_f77(int n,
double[][] a,
double[] x,
double[] b)
The bakslv_f77 method solves Ax = b where A is an upper triangular matrix. |
static void |
chlhsn_f77(int n,
double[][] a,
double epsm,
double[] sx,
double[] udiag)
static void |
choldc_f77(int n,
double[][] a,
double diagmx,
double tol,
double[] addmax)
static void |
dfault_f77(int n,
double[] x,
double[] typsiz,
double[] fscale,
int[] method,
int[] iexp,
int[] msg,
int[] ndigit,
int[] itnlim,
int[] iagflg,
int[] iahflg,
double[] dlt,
double[] gradtl,
double[] stepmx,
double[] steptl)
The dfault_f77 method sets default values for each input variable to the minimization algorithm. |
static void |
dogdrv_f77(int n,
double[] x,
double[] f,
double[] g,
double[][] a,
double[] p,
double[] xpls,
double[] fpls,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] sx,
double[] stepmx,
double[] steptl,
double[] dlt,
int[] iretcd,
boolean[] mxtake,
double[] sc,
double[] wrk1,
double[] wrk2,
double[] wrk3)
The dogdrv_f77 method finds the next Newton iterate (xpls) by the double dogleg method. |
static void |
dogstp_f77(int n,
double[] g,
double[][] a,
double[] p,
double[] sx,
double rnwtln,
double[] dlt,
boolean[] nwtake,
boolean[] fstdog,
double[] ssd,
double[] v,
double[] cln,
double[] eta,
double[] sc,
double[] stepmx)
The dogstp_f77 method finds the new step by the double dogleg appproach. |
static void |
forslv_f77(int n,
double[][] a,
double[] x,
double[] b)
The forslv_f77 method solves Ax = b where A is a lower triangular matrix. |
static void |
fstocd_f77(int n,
double[] x,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] sx,
double rnoise,
double[] g)
The fstocd_f77 method finds a central difference approximation to the gradient of the function to be minimized. |
static void |
fstofd_f77(int n,
double[] xpls,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] fpls,
double[][] a,
double[] sx,
double rnoise,
double[] fhat)
This version of the fstofd_f77 method finds a finite difference approximation to the Hessian. |
static void |
fstofd_f77(int n,
double[] xpls,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] fpls,
double[] g,
double[] sx,
double rnoise)
This version of the fstofd_f77 method finds first order finite difference approximations for gradients. |
static void |
grdchk_f77(int n,
double[] x,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] f,
double[] g,
double[] typsiz,
double[] sx,
double[] fscale,
double rnf,
double analtl,
double[] gest)
The grdchk_f77 method checks the analytic gradient supplied by the user. |
static void |
heschk_f77(int n,
double[] x,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] f,
double[] g,
double[][] a,
double[] typsiz,
double[] sx,
double rnf,
double analtl,
int[] iagflg,
double[] udiag,
double[] wrk1,
double[] wrk2)
The heschk_f77 method checks the analytic Hessian supplied by the user. |
static void |
hookdr_f77(int n,
double[] x,
double[] f,
double[] g,
double[][] a,
double[] udiag,
double[] p,
double[] xpls,
double[] fpls,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] sx,
double[] stepmx,
double[] steptl,
double[] dlt,
int[] iretcd,
boolean[] mxtake,
double[] amu,
double[] dltp,
double[] phi,
double[] phip0,
double[] sc,
double[] xplsp,
double[] wrk0,
double epsm,
int[] itncnt)
The hookdr_f77 method finds a next Newton iterate (xpls) by the More-Hebdon technique. |
static void |
hookst_f77(int n,
double[] g,
double[][] a,
double[] udiag,
double[] p,
double[] sx,
double rnwtln,
double[] dlt,
double[] amu,
double[] dltp,
double[] phi,
double[] phip0,
boolean[] fstime,
double[] sc,
boolean[] nwtake,
double[] wrk0,
double epsm)
The hookst_f77 method finds a new step by the More-Hebdon algorithm. |
static void |
hsnint_f77(int n,
double[][] a,
double[] sx,
int[] method)
The hsnint_f77 method provides the initial Hessian when secant updates are being used. |
static void |
lltslv_f77(int n,
double[][] a,
double[] x,
double[] b)
The lltslv_f77 method solves Ax = b where A has the form L(L transpose) but only the lower triangular part, L, is stored. |
static void |
lnsrch_f77(int n,
double[] x,
double[] f,
double[] g,
double[] p,
double[] xpls,
double[] fpls,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
boolean[] mxtake,
int[] iretcd,
double[] stepmx,
double[] steptl,
double[] sx)
The lnsrch_f77 method finds a next Newton iterate by line search. |
static void |
mvmltl_f77(int n,
double[][] a,
double[] x,
double[] y)
The mvmltl_f77 method computes y = Lx where L is a lower triangular matrix stored in A. |
static void |
mvmlts_f77(int n,
double[][] a,
double[] x,
double[] y)
The mvmlts_f77 method computes y = Ax where A is a symmetric matrix stored in its lower triangular part. |
static void |
mvmltu_f77(int n,
double[][] a,
double[] x,
double[] y)
The mvmltu_f77 method computes Y = (L transpose)X where L is a lower triangular matrix stored in A (L transpose is taken implicitly). |
static void |
optchk_f77(int n,
double[] x,
double[] typsiz,
double[] sx,
double[] fscale,
double[] gradtl,
int[] itnlim,
int[] ndigit,
double epsm,
double[] dlt,
int[] method,
int[] iexp,
int[] iagflg,
int[] iahflg,
double[] stepmx,
int[] msg)
The optchk_f77 method checks the input for reasonableness. |
static void |
optdrv_f77(int n,
double[] x,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] typsiz,
double[] fscale,
int[] method,
int[] iexp,
int[] msg,
int[] ndigit,
int[] itnlim,
int[] iagflg,
int[] iahflg,
double[] dlt,
double[] gradtl,
double[] stepmx,
double[] steptl,
double[] xpls,
double[] fpls,
double[] gpls,
int[] itrmcd,
double[][] a,
double[] udiag,
double[] g,
double[] p,
double[] sx,
double[] wrk0,
double[] wrk1,
double[] wrk2,
double[] wrk3)
The optdrv_f77 method is the driver for the nonlinear optimization problem. |
static void |
optif0_f77(int n,
double[] x,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] xpls,
double[] fpls,
double[] gpls,
int[] itrmcd,
double[][] a,
double[] udiag)
The optif0_f77 method minimizes a smooth nonlinear function of n variables. |
static void |
optif9_f77(int n,
double[] x,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] typsiz,
double[] fscale,
int[] method,
int[] iexp,
int[] msg,
int[] ndigit,
int[] itnlim,
int[] iagflg,
int[] iahflg,
double[] dlt,
double[] gradtl,
double[] stepmx,
double[] steptl,
double[] xpls,
double[] fpls,
double[] gpls,
int[] itrmcd,
double[][] a,
double[] udiag)
The optif9_f77 method minimizes a smooth nonlinear function of n variables. |
static void |
optstp_f77(int n,
double[] xpls,
double[] fpls,
double[] gpls,
double[] x,
int[] itncnt,
int[] icscmx,
int[] itrmcd,
double[] gradtl,
double[] steptl,
double[] sx,
double[] fscale,
int[] itnlim,
int[] iretcd,
boolean[] mxtake,
int[] msg)
The optstp_f77 method determines whether the algorithm should terminate due to any of the following: 1) problem solved within user tolerance 2) convergence within user tolerance 3) iteration limit reached 4) divergence or too restrictive maximum step (stepmx) suspected Translated by Steve Verrill, May 12, 1998. |
static void |
qraux1_f77(int n,
double[][] r,
int i)
The qraux1_f77 method interchanges rows i,i+1 of the upper Hessenberg matrix r, columns i to n. |
static void |
qraux2_f77(int n,
double[][] r,
int i,
double a,
double b)
The qraux2_f77 method pre-multiplies r by the Jacobi rotation j(i,i+1,a,b). |
static void |
qrupdt_f77(int n,
double[][] a,
double[] u,
double[] v)
The qrupdt_f77 method finds an orthogonal n by n matrix, Q*, and an upper triangular n by n matrix, R*, such that (Q*)(R*) = R+U(V+). |
static void |
result_f77(int n,
double[] x,
double[] f,
double[] g,
double[][] a,
double[] p,
int[] itncnt,
int iflg)
The result_f77 method prints information. |
static void |
sclmul_f77(int n,
double s,
double[] v,
double[] z)
The sclmul_f77 method multiplies a vector by a scalar. |
static void |
secfac_f77(int n,
double[] x,
double[] g,
double[][] a,
double[] xpls,
double[] gpls,
double epsm,
int[] itncnt,
double rnf,
int[] iagflg,
boolean[] noupdt,
double[] s,
double[] y,
double[] u,
double[] w)
The secfac_f77 method updates the Hessian by the BFGS factored technique. |
static void |
secunf_f77(int n,
double[] x,
double[] g,
double[][] a,
double[] udiag,
double[] xpls,
double[] gpls,
double epsm,
int[] itncnt,
double rnf,
int[] iagflg,
boolean[] noupdt,
double[] s,
double[] y,
double[] t)
The secunf_f77 method updates the Hessian by the BFGS unfactored approach. |
static void |
sndofd_f77(int n,
double[] xpls,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] fpls,
double[][] a,
double[] sx,
double rnoise,
double[] stepsz,
double[] anbr)
The sndofd_f77 method finds second order forward finite difference approximations to the Hessian. |
static void |
tregup_f77(int n,
double[] x,
double[] f,
double[] g,
double[][] a,
Uncmin_methods minclass,
double[] sc,
double[] sx,
boolean[] nwtake,
double[] stepmx,
double[] steptl,
double[] dlt,
int[] iretcd,
double[] xplsp,
double[] fplsp,
double[] xpls,
double[] fpls,
boolean[] mxtake,
int method,
double[] udiag)
The tregup_f77 method decides whether to accept xpls = x + sc as the next iterate and update the trust region dlt. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Constructor Detail |
public Uncmin_f77()
Method Detail |
public static void optif0_f77(int n, double[] x, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] xpls, double[] fpls, double[] gpls, int[] itrmcd, double[][] a, double[] udiag)
The optif0_f77 method minimizes a smooth nonlinear function of n variables. A method that computes the function value at any point must be supplied. (See Uncmin_methods.java and UncminTest.java.) Derivative values are not required. The optif0_f77 method provides the simplest user access to the UNCMIN minimization routines. Without a recompile, the user has no control over options. For details, see the Schnabel et al reference and the comments in the code. Translated by Steve Verrill, August 4, 1998.
- The number of arguments of the function to minimizex
- The initial estimate of the minimum pointminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.xpls
- The final estimate of the minimum pointfpls
- The value of f_to_minimize at xplsgpls
- The gradient at the local minimum xplsitrmcd
- Termination code
ITRMCD = 0: Optimal solution found
ITRMCD = 1: Terminated with gradient small,
xpls is probably optimal
ITRMCD = 2: Terminated with stepsize small,
xpls is probably optimal
ITRMCD = 3: Lower point cannot be found,
xpls is probably optimal
ITRMCD = 4: Iteration limit (150) exceeded
ITRMCD = 5: Too many large steps,
function may be unboundeda
- Workspace for the Hessian (or its estimate)
and its Cholesky decompositionudiag
- Workspace for the diagonal of the Hessianpublic static void optif9_f77(int n, double[] x, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] typsiz, double[] fscale, int[] method, int[] iexp, int[] msg, int[] ndigit, int[] itnlim, int[] iagflg, int[] iahflg, double[] dlt, double[] gradtl, double[] stepmx, double[] steptl, double[] xpls, double[] fpls, double[] gpls, int[] itrmcd, double[][] a, double[] udiag)
The optif9_f77 method minimizes a smooth nonlinear function of n variables. A method that computes the function value at any point must be supplied. (See Uncmin_methods.java and UncminTest.java.) Derivative values are not required. The optif9 method provides complete user access to the UNCMIN minimization routines. The user has full control over options. For details, see the Schnabel et al reference and the comments in the code. Translated by Steve Verrill, August 4, 1998.
- The number of arguments of the function to minimizex
- The initial estimate of the minimum pointminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.typsiz
- Typical size for each component of xfscale
- Estimate of the scale of the objective functionmethod
- Algorithm to use to solve the minimization problem
= 1 line search
= 2 double dogleg
= 3 More-Hebdoniexp
- = 1 if the optimization function f_to_minimize
is expensive to evaluate, = 0 otherwise. If iexp = 1,
then the Hessian will be evaluated by secant update
rather than analytically or by finite differences.msg
- Message to inhibit certain automatic checks and outputndigit
- Number of good digits in the minimization functionitnlim
- Maximum number of allowable iterationsiagflg
- = 0 if an analytic gradient is not suppliediahflg
- = 0 if an analytic Hessian is not supplieddlt
- Trust region radiusgradtl
- Tolerance at which the gradient is considered close enough
to zero to terminate the algorithmstepmx
- Maximum allowable step sizesteptl
- Relative step size at which successive iterates
are considered close enough to terminate the algorithmxpls
- The final estimate of the minimum pointfpls
- The value of f_to_minimize at xplsgpls
- The gradient at the local minimum xplsitrmcd
- Termination code
ITRMCD = 0: Optimal solution found
ITRMCD = 1: Terminated with gradient small,
X is probably optimal
ITRMCD = 2: Terminated with stepsize small,
X is probably optimal
ITRMCD = 3: Lower point cannot be found,
X is probably optimal
ITRMCD = 4: Iteration limit (150) exceeded
ITRMCD = 5: Too many large steps,
function may be unboundeda
- Workspace for the Hessian (or its estimate)
and its Cholesky decompositionudiag
- Workspace for the diagonal of the Hessianpublic static void bakslv_f77(int n, double[][] a, double[] x, double[] b)
The bakslv_f77 method solves Ax = b where A is an upper triangular matrix. Note that A is input as a lower triangular matrix and this method takes its transpose implicitly. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 14, 1998.
- Dimension of the problema
- n by n lower triangular matrix (preserved)x
- The solution vectorb
- The right-hand side vectorpublic static void chlhsn_f77(int n, double[][] a, double epsm, double[] sx, double[] udiag)
- Dimension of the problema
- On entry: A is the model Hessian (only the lower
triangle and diagonal stored)
On exit: A contains L of the LL+ decomposition of
the perturbed model Hessian in the lower triangle
and diagonal, and contains the Hessian in the upper
triangle and udiagepsm
- Machine epsilonsx
- Scaling vector for xudiag
- On exit: Contains the diagonal of the Hessianpublic static void choldc_f77(int n, double[][] a, double diagmx, double tol, double[] addmax)
- Dimension of the problema
- On entry: matrix for which to find the perturbed
Cholesky decomposition
On exit: contains L of the LL+ decomposition
in lower trianglediagmx
- Maximum diagonal element of "A"tol
- Toleranceaddmax
- Maximum amount implicitly added to diagonal
of "A" in forming the Cholesky decomposition
of A+Dpublic static void dfault_f77(int n, double[] x, double[] typsiz, double[] fscale, int[] method, int[] iexp, int[] msg, int[] ndigit, int[] itnlim, int[] iagflg, int[] iahflg, double[] dlt, double[] gradtl, double[] stepmx, double[] steptl)
The dfault_f77 method sets default values for each input variable to the minimization algorithm. Translated by Steve Verrill, August 4, 1998.
- Dimension of the problemx
- Initial estimate of the solution (to compute max step size)typsiz
- Typical size for each component of xfscale
- Estimate of the scale of the minimization functionmethod
- Algorithm to use to solve the minimization problemiexp
- = 0 if the minimization function is not expensive to evaluatemsg
- Message to inhibit certain automatic checks and outputndigit
- Number of good digits in the minimization functionitnlim
- Maximum number of allowable iterationsiagflg
- = 0 if an analytic gradient is not suppliediahflg
- = 0 if an analytic Hessian is not supplieddlt
- Trust region radiusgradtl
- Tolerance at which the gradient is considered close enough
to zero to terminate the algorithmstepmx
- "Value of zero to trip default maximum in optchk"steptl
- Tolerance at which successive iterates are considered
close enough to terminate the algorithmpublic static void dogdrv_f77(int n, double[] x, double[] f, double[] g, double[][] a, double[] p, double[] xpls, double[] fpls, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] sx, double[] stepmx, double[] steptl, double[] dlt, int[] iretcd, boolean[] mxtake, double[] sc, double[] wrk1, double[] wrk2, double[] wrk3)
The dogdrv_f77 method finds the next Newton iterate (xpls) by the double dogleg method. It drives dogstp_f77. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 15, 1998.
- Dimension of the problemx
- The old iteratef
- Function value at the old iterateg
- Gradient or approximation at the old iteratea
- Cholesky decomposition of Hessian
in lower triangular part and diagonalp
- Newton stepxpls
- The new iteratefpls
- Function value at the new iterateminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.sx
- Scaling vector for xstepmx
- Maximum allowable step sizesteptl
- Relative step size at which successive iterates
are considered close enough to terminate the
- Trust region radius (value needs to be retained
between successive calls)iretcd
- Return code:
0 --- satisfactory xpls found
1 --- failed to find satisfactory xpls
sufficently distinct from xmxtake
- Boolean flag indicating that a step of maximum
length was used lengthsc
- Workspace (current step)wrk1
- Workspace (and place holding argument to tregup)wrk2
- Workspacewrk3
- Workspacepublic static void dogstp_f77(int n, double[] g, double[][] a, double[] p, double[] sx, double rnwtln, double[] dlt, boolean[] nwtake, boolean[] fstdog, double[] ssd, double[] v, double[] cln, double[] eta, double[] sc, double[] stepmx)
The dogstp_f77 method finds the new step by the double dogleg appproach. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 21, 1998.
- Scaling vector for xrnwtln
- MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STEP SIZEpublic static void forslv_f77(int n, double[][] a, double[] x, double[] b)
The forslv_f77 method solves Ax = b where A is a lower triangular matrix. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 21, 1998.
- The dimension of the problema
- The lower triangular matrix (preserved)x
- The solution vectorb
- The right-hand side vectorpublic static void fstocd_f77(int n, double[] x, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] sx, double rnoise, double[] g)
The fstocd_f77 method finds a central difference approximation to the gradient of the function to be minimized. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 21, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- The point at which the gradient is to be approximatedminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.sx
- Scaling vector for xrnoise
- Relative noise in the function to be minimizedg
- A central difference approximation to the gradientpublic static void fstofd_f77(int n, double[] xpls, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] fpls, double[][] a, double[] sx, double rnoise, double[] fhat)
This version of the fstofd_f77 method finds a finite difference approximation to the Hessian. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 22, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemxpls
- New iterateminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.fpls
- fpls[1] -- fpls[n] contains the gradient
of the function to minimizea
- Scaling vector for xrnoise
- Relative noise in the function to be minimizedfhat
- Workspacepublic static void fstofd_f77(int n, double[] xpls, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] fpls, double[] g, double[] sx, double rnoise)
This version of the fstofd_f77 method finds first order finite difference approximations for gradients. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 22, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemxpls
- New iterateminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.fpls
- fpls contains the value of the
function to minimize at the new iterateg
- finite difference approximation to the gradientsx
- Scaling vector for xrnoise
- Relative noise in the function to be minimizedpublic static void grdchk_f77(int n, double[] x, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] f, double[] g, double[] typsiz, double[] sx, double[] fscale, double rnf, double analtl, double[] gest)
The grdchk_f77 method checks the analytic gradient supplied by the user. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 22, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- The location at which the gradient is to be checkedminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.f
- Function valueg
- Analytic gradienttypsiz
- Typical size for each component of xsx
- Scaling vector for x: sx[i] = 1.0/typsiz[i]fscale
- Estimate of scale of f_to_minimizernf
- Relative noise in f_to_minimizeanaltl
- Tolerance for comparison of estimated and
analytical gradientsgest
- Finite difference gradientpublic static void heschk_f77(int n, double[] x, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] f, double[] g, double[][] a, double[] typsiz, double[] sx, double rnf, double analtl, int[] iagflg, double[] udiag, double[] wrk1, double[] wrk2)
The heschk_f77 method checks the analytic Hessian supplied by the user. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 23, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- The location at which the Hessian is to be checkedminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.f
- Function valueg
- Gradienta
- On exit: Hessian in lower triangletypsiz
- Typical size for each component of xsx
- Scaling vector for x: sx[i] = 1.0/typsiz[i]rnf
- Relative noise in f_to_minimizeanaltl
- Tolerance for comparison of estimated and
analytic gradientsiagflg
- = 1 if an analytic gradient is suppliedudiag
- Workspacewrk1
- Workspacewrk2
- Workspacepublic static void hookdr_f77(int n, double[] x, double[] f, double[] g, double[][] a, double[] udiag, double[] p, double[] xpls, double[] fpls, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] sx, double[] stepmx, double[] steptl, double[] dlt, int[] iretcd, boolean[] mxtake, double[] amu, double[] dltp, double[] phi, double[] phip0, double[] sc, double[] xplsp, double[] wrk0, double epsm, int[] itncnt)
The hookdr_f77 method finds a next Newton iterate (xpls) by the More-Hebdon technique. It drives hookst_f77. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 23, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- The old iteratef
- The function value at the old iterateg
- Gradient or approximation at old iteratea
- Cholesky decomposition of Hessian in lower triangle
and diagonal. Hessian in upper triangle and udiag.udiag
- Diagonal of Hessian in ap
- Newton stepxpls
- New iteratefpls
- Function value at the new iterateminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.sx
- Scaling vector for xstepmx
- Maximum allowable step sizesteptl
- Relative step size at which consecutive iterates
are considered close enough to terminate the algorithmdlt
- Trust region radiusiretcd
- Return code
= 0 satisfactory xpls found
= 1 failed to find satisfactory xpls
sufficiently distinct from xmxtake
- Boolean flag indicating step of maximum length usedamu
- [Retain value between successive calls]dltp
- [Retain value between successive calls]phi
- [Retain value between successive calls]phip0
- [Retain value between successive calls]sc
- Workspacexplsp
- Workspacewrk0
- Workspaceepsm
- Machine epsilonitncnt
- Iteration countpublic static void hookst_f77(int n, double[] g, double[][] a, double[] udiag, double[] p, double[] sx, double rnwtln, double[] dlt, double[] amu, double[] dltp, double[] phi, double[] phip0, boolean[] fstime, double[] sc, boolean[] nwtake, double[] wrk0, double epsm)
The hookst_f77 method finds a new step by the More-Hebdon algorithm. It is driven by hookdr_f77. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 24, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemg
- The gradient at the current iteratea
- Cholesky decomposition of the Hessian in
the lower triangle and diagonal. Hessian
or approximation in upper triangle (and udiag).p
- Newton stepsx
- Scaling vector for xrnwtln
- Newton step lengthdlt
- Trust region radiusamu
- Retain value between successive callsdltp
- Trust region radius at last exit from
this routinephi
- Retain value between successive callsphip0
- Retain value between successive callsfstime
- "= true if first entry to this routine
during the k-th iteration"sc
- Current stepnwtake
- = true if Newton step takenwrk0
- Workspaceepsm
- Machine epsilonpublic static void hsnint_f77(int n, double[][] a, double[] sx, int[] method)
The hsnint_f77 method provides the initial Hessian when secant updates are being used. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 27, 1998.
- The dimension of the problema
- Initial Hessian (lower triangular matrix)sx
- Scaling vector for xmethod
- Algorithm to use to solve the minimization problem
1,2 --- factored secant method
3 --- unfactored secant methodpublic static void lltslv_f77(int n, double[][] a, double[] x, double[] b)
The lltslv_f77 method solves Ax = b where A has the form L(L transpose) but only the lower triangular part, L, is stored. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 27, 1998.
- The dimension of the problema
- Matrix of form L(L transpose).
On return a is unchanged.x
- The solution vectorb
- The right-hand side vectorpublic static void lnsrch_f77(int n, double[] x, double[] f, double[] g, double[] p, double[] xpls, double[] fpls, Uncmin_methods minclass, boolean[] mxtake, int[] iretcd, double[] stepmx, double[] steptl, double[] sx)
The lnsrch_f77 method finds a next Newton iterate by line search. Translated by Steve Verrill, May 15, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- Old iteratef
- Function value at old iterateg
- Gradient or approximation at old iteratep
- Non-zero Newton stepxpls
- New iteratefpls
- Function value at new iterateminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.mxtake
- Boolean flag indicating whether the step of
maximum length was usediretcd
- Return codestepmx
- Maximum allowable step sizesteptl
- Relative step size at which successive iterates
are considered close enough to terminate the
- Scaling vector for xpublic static void mvmltl_f77(int n, double[][] a, double[] x, double[] y)
The mvmltl_f77 method computes y = Lx where L is a lower triangular matrix stored in A. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 27, 1998.
- The dimension of the problema
- Lower triangular matrixx
- Operand vectory
- Result vectorpublic static void mvmlts_f77(int n, double[][] a, double[] x, double[] y)
The mvmlts_f77 method computes y = Ax where A is a symmetric matrix stored in its lower triangular part. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 27, 1998.
- The dimension of the problema
- The symmetric matrixx
- Operand vectory
- Result vectorpublic static void mvmltu_f77(int n, double[][] a, double[] x, double[] y)
The mvmltu_f77 method computes Y = (L transpose)X where L is a lower triangular matrix stored in A (L transpose is taken implicitly). Translated by Steve Verrill, April 27, 1998.
- The dimension of the problema
- The lower triangular matrixx
- Operand vectory
- Result vectorpublic static void optchk_f77(int n, double[] x, double[] typsiz, double[] sx, double[] fscale, double[] gradtl, int[] itnlim, int[] ndigit, double epsm, double[] dlt, int[] method, int[] iexp, int[] iagflg, int[] iahflg, double[] stepmx, int[] msg)
The optchk_f77 method checks the input for reasonableness. Translated by Steve Verrill, May 12, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- On entry, estimate of the root of f_to_minimizetypsiz
- Typical size of each component of xsx
- Scaling vector for xfscale
- Estimate of scale of objective functiongradtl
- Tolerance at which the gradient is considered
close enough to zero to terminate the algorithmitnlim
- Maximum number of allowable iterationsndigit
- Number of good digits in the optimization functionepsm
- Machine epsilondlt
- Trust region radiusmethod
- Algorithm indicatoriexp
- Expense flagiagflg
- = 1 if an analytic gradient is suppliediahflg
- = 1 if an analytic Hessian is suppliedstepmx
- Maximum step sizemsg
- Message and error codepublic static void optdrv_f77(int n, double[] x, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] typsiz, double[] fscale, int[] method, int[] iexp, int[] msg, int[] ndigit, int[] itnlim, int[] iagflg, int[] iahflg, double[] dlt, double[] gradtl, double[] stepmx, double[] steptl, double[] xpls, double[] fpls, double[] gpls, int[] itrmcd, double[][] a, double[] udiag, double[] g, double[] p, double[] sx, double[] wrk0, double[] wrk1, double[] wrk2, double[] wrk3)
The optdrv_f77 method is the driver for the nonlinear optimization problem. Translated by Steve Verrill, May 18, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- On entry, estimate of the location of a minimum
of f_to_minimizeminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.typsiz
- Typical size of each component of xfscale
- Estimate of scale of objective functionmethod
- Algorithm indicator
1 -- line search
2 -- double dogleg
3 -- More-Hebdoniexp
- Expense flag.
1 -- optimization function, f_to_minimize,
is expensive to evaluate
0 -- otherwise
If iexp = 1, the Hessian will be evaluated
by secant update rather than analytically or
by finite differences.msg
- On input: (> 0) message to inhibit certain
automatic checks
On output: (< 0) error code (= 0, no error)ndigit
- Number of good digits in the optimization functionitnlim
- Maximum number of allowable iterationsiagflg
- = 1 if an analytic gradient is suppliediahflg
- = 1 if an analytic Hessian is supplieddlt
- Trust region radiusgradtl
- Tolerance at which the gradient is considered
close enough to zero to terminate the algorithmstepmx
- Maximum step sizesteptl
- Relative step size at which successive iterates
are considered close enough to terminate the
- On exit: xpls is a local minimumfpls
- On exit: function value at xplsgpls
- On exit: gradient at xplsitrmcd
- Termination codea
- workspace for Hessian (or its approximation)
and its Cholesky decompositionudiag
- workspace (for diagonal of Hessian)g
- workspace (for gradient at current iterate)p
- workspace for stepsx
- workspace (for scaling vector)wrk0
- workspacewrk1
- workspacewrk2
- workspacewrk3
- workspacepublic static void optstp_f77(int n, double[] xpls, double[] fpls, double[] gpls, double[] x, int[] itncnt, int[] icscmx, int[] itrmcd, double[] gradtl, double[] steptl, double[] sx, double[] fscale, int[] itnlim, int[] iretcd, boolean[] mxtake, int[] msg)
The optstp_f77 method determines whether the algorithm should terminate due to any of the following: 1) problem solved within user tolerance 2) convergence within user tolerance 3) iteration limit reached 4) divergence or too restrictive maximum step (stepmx) suspected Translated by Steve Verrill, May 12, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemxpls
- New iteratefpls
- Function value at new iterategpls
- Gradient or approximation at new iteratex
- Old iterateitncnt
- Current iterationicscmx
- Number of consecutive steps >= stepmx
(retain between successive calls)itrmcd
- Termination codegradtl
- Tolerance at which the relative gradient is considered
close enough to zero to terminate the algorithmsteptl
- Relative step size at which successive iterates
are considered close enough to terminate the algorithmsx
- Scaling vector for xfscale
- Estimate of the scale of the objective functionitnlim
- Maximum number of allowable iterationsiretcd
- Return codemxtake
- Boolean flag indicating step of
maximum length was usedmsg
- If msg includes a term 8, suppress outputpublic static void qraux1_f77(int n, double[][] r, int i)
The qraux1_f77 method interchanges rows i,i+1 of the upper Hessenberg matrix r, columns i to n. Translated by Steve Verrill, April 29, 1998.
- The dimension of the matrixr
- Upper Hessenberg matrixi
- Index of row to interchange (i < n)public static void qraux2_f77(int n, double[][] r, int i, double a, double b)
The qraux2_f77 method pre-multiplies r by the Jacobi rotation j(i,i+1,a,b). Translated by Steve Verrill, April 29, 1998.
- The dimension of the matrixr
- Upper Hessenberg matrixi
- Index of rowa
- scalarb
- scalarpublic static void qrupdt_f77(int n, double[][] a, double[] u, double[] v)
The qrupdt_f77 method finds an orthogonal n by n matrix, Q*, and an upper triangular n by n matrix, R*, such that (Q*)(R*) = R+U(V+). Translated by Steve Verrill, May 11, 1998.
- The dimension of the problema
- On input: contains R
On output: contains R*u
- Vectorv
- Vectorpublic static void result_f77(int n, double[] x, double[] f, double[] g, double[][] a, double[] p, int[] itncnt, int iflg)
The result_f77 method prints information. Translated by Steve Verrill, May 11, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- Estimate of the location of a minimum at iteration kf
- function value at xg
- gradient at xa
- Hessian at xp
- Step takenitncnt
- Iteration number (k)iflg
- Flag controlling the information to printpublic static void sclmul_f77(int n, double s, double[] v, double[] z)
The sclmul_f77 method multiplies a vector by a scalar. Translated by Steve Verrill, May 8, 1998.
- The dimension of the problems
- The scalarv
- Operand vectorz
- Result vectorpublic static void secfac_f77(int n, double[] x, double[] g, double[][] a, double[] xpls, double[] gpls, double epsm, int[] itncnt, double rnf, int[] iagflg, boolean[] noupdt, double[] s, double[] y, double[] u, double[] w)
The secfac_f77 method updates the Hessian by the BFGS factored technique. Translated by Steve Verrill, May 14, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- Old iterateg
- Gradient or approximation at the old iteratea
- On entry: Cholesky decomposition of Hessian
in lower triangle and diagonal
On exit: Updated Cholesky decomposition of
Hessian in lower triangle and diagonalxpls
- New iterategpls
- Gradient or approximation at the new iterateepsm
- Machine epsilonitncnt
- Iteration countrnf
- Relative noise in optimization function f_to_minimizeiagflg
- 1 if an analytic gradient is supplied, 0 otherwisenoupdt
- Boolean: no update yet (retain value between
successive calls)s
- Workspacey
- Workspaceu
- Workspacew
- Workspacepublic static void secunf_f77(int n, double[] x, double[] g, double[][] a, double[] udiag, double[] xpls, double[] gpls, double epsm, int[] itncnt, double rnf, int[] iagflg, boolean[] noupdt, double[] s, double[] y, double[] t)
The secunf_f77 method updates the Hessian by the BFGS unfactored approach. Translated by Steve Verrill, May 8, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- The old iterateg
- The gradient or an approximation at the old iteratea
- On entry: Approximate Hessian at the old iterate
in the upper triangular part (and udiag)
On exit: Updated approximate Hessian at the new
iterate in the lower triangular part and
- On entry: Diagonal of Hessianxpls
- New iterategpls
- Gradient or approximation at the new iterateepsm
- Machine epsilonitncnt
- Iteration countrnf
- Relative noise in the optimization function,
- = 1 if an analytic gradient is supplied,
= 0 otherwisenoupdt
- Boolean: no update yet (retain value between calls)s
- workspacey
- workspacet
- workspacepublic static void sndofd_f77(int n, double[] xpls, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] fpls, double[][] a, double[] sx, double rnoise, double[] stepsz, double[] anbr)
The sndofd_f77 method finds second order forward finite difference approximations to the Hessian. For optimization use this method to estimate the Hessian of the optimization function if no analytical user function has been supplied for either the gradient or the Hessian, and the optimization function is inexpensive to evaluate. Translated by Steve Verrill, May 8, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemxpls
- New iterateminclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.fpls
- Function value at the new iteratea
- Scaling vector for xrnoise
- Relative noise in the function to be minimizedstepsz
- Workspace (stepsize in i-th component direction)anbr
- Workspace (neighbor in i-th direction)public static void tregup_f77(int n, double[] x, double[] f, double[] g, double[][] a, Uncmin_methods minclass, double[] sc, double[] sx, boolean[] nwtake, double[] stepmx, double[] steptl, double[] dlt, int[] iretcd, double[] xplsp, double[] fplsp, double[] xpls, double[] fpls, boolean[] mxtake, int method, double[] udiag)
The tregup_f77 method decides whether to accept xpls = x + sc as the next iterate and update the trust region dlt. Translated by Steve Verrill, May 11, 1998.
- The dimension of the problemx
- Old iteratef
- Function value at old iterateg
- Gradient or approximation at old iteratea
- Cholesky decomposition of Hessian in
lower triangular part and diagonal.
Hessian or approximation in upper triangular part.minclass
- A class that implements the Uncmin_methods
interface (see the definition in
Uncmin_methods.java). See UncminTest_f77.java for an
example of such a class. The class must define:
1.) a method, f_to_minimize, to minimize.
f_to_minimize must have the form
public static double f_to_minimize(double x[])
where x is the vector of arguments to the function
and the return value is the value of the function
evaluated at x.
2.) a method, gradient, that has the form
public static void gradient(double x[],
double g[])
where g is the gradient of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the gradient.
3.) a method, hessian, that has the form
public static void hessian(double x[],
double h[][])
where h is the Hessian of f evaluated at x. This
method will have an empty body if the user
does not wish to provide an analytic estimate
of the Hessian. If the user wants Uncmin
to check the Hessian, then the hessian method
should only fill the lower triangle (and diagonal)
of h.sc
- Current stepsx
- Scaling vector for xnwtake
- Boolean, = true if Newton step takenstepmx
- Maximum allowable step sizesteptl
- Relative step size at which successive iterates
are considered close enough to terminate
the algorithmdlt
- Trust region radiusiretcd
- Return code
= 0 xpls accepted as next iterate, dlt is the
trust region radius for the next iteration
= 1 xpls unsatisfactory but accepted as next
iterate because xpls - x is less than the
smallest allowable step length
= 2 f(xpls) too large. Continue current
iteration with new reduced dlt.
= 3 f(xpls) sufficiently small, but quadratic
model predicts f(xpls) sufficiently
well to continue current iteration
with new doubled dlt.xplsp
- Workspace (value needs to be retained between
successive calls of k-th global step)fplsp
- Retain between successive callsxpls
- New iteratefpls
- Function value at new iteratemxtake
- Boolean flag indicating step of maximum length usedmethod
- Algorithm to use to solve minimization problem
= 1 Line search
= 2 Double dogleg
= 3 More-Hebdonudiag
- Diagonal of Hessian in a